Articles are invited for OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2024, volume 27, Issue 105, Please choose your themes and submit your articles.
1. Electrolyser Sops in India under the scheme 'SIGHT': Relevance & Impact.
2. The drop in EV sales in India is attributed to incentives for hybrid vehicles.
3. India suggests expansion and local solutions for the BIMSTEC.
4. Farmers in Punjab & Haryana demanding legislation on MSP for grain could be paid SUBSIDY not to grow paddy and instead grow crops like pulses and edible oils by the government.
5. Should the policy on Nutraceuticals need a change in India?
6. The Economic Survey 2023-24 points to a rosy picture but it hints towards challenges to the Indian economy in the coming year.
7. PLI is a great success: the world's 14% of iPhones are manufactured in India.
8. The Budget 2024-25 has many attractions & shocks:
.Employment and Skilling
.Macroeconomic Balance
.Fiscal deficit down from 5.9% to 4.9% of GDP
. New Income Tax slabs announced.
.Standard Deduction Tax Regime raised to Rs.75,000
.Long-term & short-term capital gains tax rates increased and change in STT.
.Andhra & Bihar will get higher allocations.
.Tax on Buy-backs of shares.
.Consumer spending in rural areas to go up
.Long term Job creation.
.Financial support to MSMEs
.Change in Customs duties will promote domestic manufacturing and make the country an international hub
.Shipping industry to get a boost.
.Agriculture to get a push.
.OTHERS: BRICKS & BOUQES to the Budget.
Articles may be mailed to us at by 10th September 2024. First come first served. The processing charge will be the same as the rules. Authors are invited to submit their original research papers, case studies, reviews, or work in progress, within the broad scope of these themes. Foreign authors may send their articles on any other theme that is important in the context of their country's economy or relevant from a global perspective.
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