We invite articles for April-June 2022, Volume 24, Issue 95. Following themes may be taken up. 1. India's EV Push 2. Post pandemic Revenge Shopping in Malls. 3. Refugee problems due to Ukraine War. 4. Environmental degradation and the ongoing War. 5. India has all the right ingredients for developing as a manufacturing Hub. 6. Supply disruptions, c rude price hikes, and inflation. 7. Attaining Population Replacement Rate or TFR A rticles may be mailed to us at editoreconomicchallenger.net latest by 30th April 2022. First come first served. No processing charge on the articles on the above topics. Soft copies of the journal will be provided. While submitting articles and to avail free of charge publishing please give reference to this post dated 21 March 2022. Please visit regularly our website economicchallenger.net
Economic Challenger is an International Journal published quarterly from India. Through this participatory publication, our aim is to generate a discussion among academia, industry and social leaders on socio-economic issues concerning us. This journal is refereed and reaches out to major academic institutions across India and also to the subscribers, contributors and editorial board members scattered across the world. Available in digital version as well.